Get Azure Key Vault secrets in Fabric pipeline

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the integration of Fabric Data Factory with Azure Key Vault, emphasizing the streamlined access to Key Vault secrets using service principal authentication.

This blog post provides a detailed walkthrough on configuring web activity with service principal authentication, ensuring secure access to sensitive information stored in Key Vault.

This step-by-step tutorial includes setting up a fabric data factory connection and configuring Web Activity in Azure Data Factory for secure communication with Azure key vault. By prioritizing Azure Data Factory and Key Vault integration, this post aims to equip readers with the knowledge to fortify their cloud data management and security frameworks effectively.


To get started, you must complete the following prerequisites:

Add a Web activity to a pipeline with UI

To use a Web activity in a pipeline, complete the following steps:

Create the activity

  1. Create a new pipeline in your workspace.
  2. Search for Web in the pipeline Activities pane, and select it to add it to the pipeline canvas.

Web activity settings

  • Select the Settings tab, select an existing connection from the Connection dropdown, or use the + New button to create a new connection, and specify its configuration details.

  • When you choose + New to create a new connection, you see the connection creation dialog where you can provide the base URL and credentials to connect.
  • Save connection and add relative secret path and method in web activity settings

Save and run or schedule the pipeline

Synapse Link Spark Pool Issue

Microsoft Azure Synapse Link is a powerful tool that allows you to seamlessly integrate your Azure Synapse Analytics workspace with dataverse. However, like any technology, it can encounter issues during configuration and usage. In this blog post, we’ll address a common problem that users encounter when setting up Synapse Link: tables going into an initial sync and eventually failing, with Spark applications getting canceled. We’ll discuss how to troubleshoot this issue and provide a resolution to get your Synapse Link up and running smoothly.

Problem Statement

After configuring Synapse Link, you may notice that your tables are going through an initial synchronization process, but then they fail. Furthermore, when you check the Synapse monitoring, Spark applications are shown as being in a canceled state, and no logs are created for these jobs. This can be frustrating, but there are reasons behind this issue and steps to resolve it.

Synapse Link Error
Canceled Spark Application


The primary reason for tables failing during the initial sync and Spark applications getting canceled is related to the available resources in your Synapse workspace. Here are some troubleshooting steps to identify the problem

  1. Inadequate Cores: Your Synapse workspace might not have the required number of cores available to process Synapse Link tables effectively. To find out if this is the issue, you can review your Azure Synapse Analytics available cores.
  2. Spark Pool Minimum Requirement: The minimum requirements for a Spark pool in Synapse Link can also lead to this problem. You should check whether your Spark pool configuration meets these requirements.
Minimum requirement for spark pool


To resolve the issue and ensure a smooth operation of Synapse Link, you need to make sure that your Synapse workspace has the necessary resources available. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Spark Cluster Nodes: Synapse Link needs a Spark cluster with 5-10 Spark nodes. If the size of one Spark node is (4 vCores / 32 GB), then your workspace should have 40 total vCores available to process Synapse Link tables effectively. Ensure that your workspace meets this requirement.
  2. Increase Spark Cores: If your Synapse environment falls short of the required number of cores, you can increase the number of Spark cores. To do this, open a support ticket with Microsoft (MSFT) and request an increase in the Spark cores for your environment.


For more information and detailed recommendations on Spark pool configuration for Azure Synapse Link, you can refer to the official Microsoft documentation here.

Related Synapse Link Issues

Synapse Link Filed to Initialize Storage

Synapse Link Fetching App

Synapse Link Partition Table Issue

Synapse Link failed to initialize storage

Azure Synapse Analytics is a powerful tool for big data and analytics workloads, but like any complex system, it can encounter issues that need troubleshooting. In this blog post, we will discuss a common problem where Synapse Link Delta Tables are not being created in a Synapse Workspace and how to resolve it. We’ll walk you through the symptoms and provide a step-by-step resolution to get your workflow back on track.


  1. Job Status is in a Failed State in Power Platform: When you’re trying to create Delta Tables in your Synapse Workspace, one of the first symptoms you might encounter is job failures in Power Platform. This is a clear indication that something is not working as expected.
  2. Successful Execution of Spark Application in Synapse Workspace: Oddly, the Spark application itself may run without issues within the Synapse Workspace. This can make the problem seem even more mysterious.
  3. Errors in Spark Application Logs: While the Spark application itself may run successfully, the logs can reveal errors or issues that are preventing the creation of Delta Tables.

Look for the following in the spark application Logs:

ERROR AzureStorageEmitter [SparkObservabilityManager-0]: failed to initialize Server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of Authorization header is formed correctly including the signature.


Synapse Link for dataverse
Spark application logs


To resolve the issue of Delta Tables not being created in your Synapse Workspace, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Synapse Studio: Open Synapse Studio, which is your gateway to managing and monitoring your Synapse Analytics workloads.
  2. Open Linked Services: Under the “Manage” section in Synapse Studio, find and open “Linked Services.” This is where you can configure the connections and settings required for various services and resources in your Synapse Workspace.
  3. Test “Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2” Linked Service: Look for the “Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2” linked service, which is used by both Synapse Link and Synapse Studio. This is a critical component, and any issues with this connection can disrupt your Delta Table creation process.
  4. Ensure Successful Connection: Test the connection to the “Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2” linked service. It should be able to connect to your storage successfully. If the test fails, you need to correct the linked service connection. This might involve verifying your access credentials, permissions, or network configurations.
  5. Verify Synapse Link: After successfully establishing a connection with the Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2, verify that your Synapse Link is correctly set up and configured. This link should now be able to create Delta Tables in your Synapse Studio Data Lake after resolving any issues with the linked service.

By following these steps, you should be able to identify and resolve the issues preventing the creation of Delta Tables in your Azure Synapse Workspace. Ensuring that your connections and configurations are correct is crucial for the smooth operation of your analytics workflows.


Troubleshooting issues like Delta Table creation in Azure Synapse Workspace can be a challenging task, but with the right approach, you can quickly identify and resolve the problem. By checking and testing your linked services and verifying your Synapse Link configuration, you can get your data workflows back on track and make the most of Azure Synapse Analytics for your big data and analytics needs. If you encounter further issues, don’t hesitate to reach out to Azure support for additional assistance.

Other Synapse link issues:

Synapse link stuck at fetching app

Reference: Configure Synapse Link for Dataverse